Holiday Activities

Students enjoyed some classroom crafts and invited their families for some holiday activities.


School Toy Drive

Our Student Government partnered with and met Ed Braunstein, the Assembly District N.Y. Councilman to collect and give toys to those in need. Thank you Lowell School families for your donations!





School Spirit Days

Here are some of our School’s Spirit Day Pictures, such as “Flannel Day,” “Hat Day,” “Holiday Sweater Day,” and “Denim Day.”



School Trips

Some of our class trips included The Hall of Science, the Queens Zoo, and witnessing a person on trial testify at the courthouse.


Class Learning Activities

We love to learn through having fun. During science class, students played Hungry Hungry Hippo to understand how animals compete for resources within their ecosystems.

Students went on a Black History Scavenger Hunt within the school where they learned many historical facts. Students worked together to learn how to run an online pizzeria business, count back change, and make store upgrades using money manipulatives on the iPad playing the game Osmo Pizza during technology class.


School Achievements

We celebrate many achievements like the 100th Day of School and class publishing parties.