• Make a gift to The Lowell School’s Annual Appeal for Lowell.
    Click here to make a secure online gift now!
  • Make a gift in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special occasion
  • Inquire if your company participates in a corporate Matching Gift program
  • Donate gifts of appreciated stock or securities

Download the Annual Appeal Donation Form

Your tax-deductible gift, regardless of the amount, in the form of check, cash or credit card, helps The Lowell School advance our longstanding program of academic excellence. With your continued support, we will be able to continuosly upgrade our educational technology and software, and improve our school facilities. Join the many parents, friends and staff to help us fulfill our mission of educating students with learning disabilities.

At The Lowell School, students learn in a multi-sensory, structured and supportive educational environment geared to their special needs. Throughout the years, Lowell has given each child the quality education they deserve. Our parents are secure in knowing that their children’s needs are being well served and that academic progress and social growth is being achieved every day.

Gifts of Cash

The easiest way to give is a cash contribution by check or credit card.

Checks may be made payable to The Lowell School and mailed to:
Dede Proujansky, Executive Director                 The Lowell School
24-20 Parsons Blvd.
Whitestone, NY 11357

The Lowell School accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

Online Gifts and Pledges

You can make a secure online tax-deductible donation to The Lowell School today. Click here to make a secure online gift now!

Matching Gifts

Many companies match employee, retiree and family contributions to educational institutions, doubling or sometimes tripling the amount of your gift. Ask your employer if they can match your gift to The Lowell School.


Appreciated marketable securities are an attractive and convenient way to give to The Lowell School. You receive a tax deduction for the fair-market value of the securities that you donate (calculated on the day of the transfer).


The Lowell School accepts gifts-in-kind, which could include, but are not limited to, upgrades to our classroom facilities, scientific or technology equipment, educational software. This could include computers, books for our library, real estate, etc.

Memorial, Honorary or Celebratory Gifts

The Lowell School welcomes gifts made in memory of, or in honor of someone special to you. Such gifts can be made to the Annual Appeal for general support of our mission or can be directed to a specific purpose. To make such a gift, make sure to identify the individual you intend to honor or memorialize. Upon receipt, we will mail a receipt to the donor and notify the honoree. In the case of a memorial gift, the designated individual or family member will be notified of your thoughtful contribution.

The Lowell School is a non-profit 501(c) (3) corporation and all donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.